Introducing Payment Links
No coding or integration needed
Send payment links to your customers directly on any device or platform. Start accepting payments in seconds.
Remarkably swift & straightforward
All kinds of businesses can take advantage of payment links and get paid instantly.

Business made simple
No technical expertise is required to create payment links, get paid straight away, it’s that easy.

Flexible formats
Pick any platform that works for you. Share payment link via WhatsApp, Instagram, SMS, Email etc.

Accept payments through multiple ways
Customers can pay with their credit or debit cards, International cards, wallets and more.
3 easy steps to collect payments
Create link
Create payment link via the noon payments dashboard.
Share it with customers
Share the payment link via any preferred channels via WhatsApp, Instagram, Email, SMS and more.
Get paid and notified
You’ll get a notification once the payment is made.

Get accurate, instant insights
Unlock better opportunities to grow your business via noon payments dashboard.
Customize templates to match your brand
Unlock better opportunities to grow your business via noon payments dashboard.

Generate Payment Links via API
With noon payments, you have the option to expedite payment collection by automating the entire process.
View API reference